IELTS Band 7.0 Model Essay9模範解答ーWritten by Sayaー



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Some believe that people have no interest in maintaining the traditional culture of their country or region. Others believe that it is still important to people that we preserve a traditional way of life. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



 Every country has its own traditions and culture. These days, people can see the extinguishment of these cultures as the younger generation is not motivated to maintain them. However, some believe that it is still essential to maintain a traditional way of living. This essay will explain these two perspectives and state my opinion on this matter.


Nowadays, young people are not interested in traditional cultures because modern sub-cultures are more attractive to them. In Japan, the majority of youngsters like to listen to J-pop instead of listening to Minyo, which is traditional Japanese music. Manga and anime have been prevalent worldwide among the younger generation whereas haiku, a Japanese poem, is no longer acknowledged. Modern cultures have more addictive features whereas traditional cultures do not fit their standards. This resulted in the extinction of traditions and cultures.


However, some insist that the knowledge of a traditional way of living is beneficial for people today because of its valued significance throughout generations of families. For this reason, they think that this knowledge should be passed on to the next generations. In the northern areas in Japan, the older generation knows how to prepare for a long and a serious winter. Many of them still make preserved foods and can strengthen the foundation of their own houses for snow. If the new generation has this knowledge, they will be able to have an easier winter. Therefore, traditional ways of living are still effective in this modern era.


In conclusion, culture and tradition have been less attractive to the current generation. This way of thinking can result in the extinguishment of cultures in the region. However, I think people should learn the traditions and pass the knowledge to the next generations. Through accumulated knowledge from generations ago, it is still valuable and valid. I hope the younger generation should try making an effort to learn traditional knowledge for themselves and the future generation.




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(Model Essay と言いつつ、ごめんなさい・・・。)


